This property can be bought separately but is landlocked. This is one of 5 commercial listings on Priest Drive (property ID's: 95694, 95695, 95630, 170391, and 95665), or MLS 549536, 549529, 549518, 549501. Any of these can be purchased separately or together. Given the positioning of the lot, there are no utilities directly to it, but utilities are available at the other lots and buildings for sale. This would be an excellent addition to the purchase of any of the other properties, allowing for extra space for storage, parking, etc. Great spot for light industrial development.
MLS# | 549491 |
Listing Type | For Sale |
Style | Commercial |
Sub-Type | Resale |
Status | Active |
Days On Site | 222 |
Listing Provided By | Linnemann Realty | Michael E. Linnemann |
Zoning | B5 |
Acreage | 1.22 |
Property View | None |
State | TX |
County | Bell |
City | Killeen |
Zip Code | 76541 |
Community Name | Purser Robinson Comm Tra |
Listing VS Median (in Purser Robinson Comm Tra) | |
Price: $106,000 low | high Med: $0 On Site: 222 low | high Med: |